Post-Weaning Depression
Post-weaning depression - it’s a thing! When we wean our babies from the breast, whether choosing to do so or having to do so - it can cause a major emotional rollercoaster. Many women report feeling relieved - they were ready to be done nursing and happy to do so. Many other women feel immense sadness, guilt and anxiety about weaning. If you are weaning your child before they are wanting to be weaned, it can be really hard to listen to your baby cry and feel for your breasts and have to deny them. You can feel very sad about your baby not being so much of a “baby” any more. Some women feel relief and guilt and sadness all at the same time! It’s a tough process sometimes!
But one thing I noticed in my own breastfeeding journey - is that NO ONE talks about post weaning depression! I did not know weaning can cause a huge fluctuation in your hormones. You can feel very weepy, angry, anxious, sad, have mood swings, sleep disturbances and more. Personally, I was pregnant and/or nursing for four years straight before I finally started the weaning process. This caused a huge hormone shift for me, especially because I stopped nursing cold turkey (I would now not recommend this to someone if they have the privilege to avoid it).
How crazy is it that we don’t talk about this more as women? I’m here to shout it from the rooftops because I don’t want another mama to sit alone thinking they’re weird or not understanding why they feel so horrible. Let’s talk about these things mamas!
If you are dealing with postpartum or post-weaning depression, please reach out to me. I’d love to speak with you if you need support. I can provide some helpful referrals as well. You are not alone!
Sources: La Leche League, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding